Ein robustes Kugelrollenlager aus hochwertigem Metall für präzise Bewegung.

Saturn ball scroll - Sheet Steel Ball transfer Units - KU34-525

housing -stainless, ball barrel-stainless, ball barrel-Ø (dw): 25.4, load capacity C [N]: 530

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Features : housing -stainless, ball barrel-stainless, ball barrel-Ø (dw): 25.4, load capacity C [N]: 530 ... more

Saturn ball scroll - Sheet Steel Ball transfer Units - KU34-525

housing -stainless, track ball-stainless, track ball-Ø (dw): 25.4, load capacity C [N]: 530

Economical Stainless-steel light construction

Sheet Steel Ball transfer Units for price-sensitive designs, with low dead weight. The Saturn ball transfer unit requires little installation depth and can therefore be used in confined installation conditions. It has additional mounting holes for fastening.

Except for the small sizes, it can be supplied with a felt seal to protect it from dirt and to reduce noise. We recommend the installation of the Saturn ball transfer unit with the head pointing upwards.

Technische Daten

product group: steel sheet ball transfer units
product name: flying saucer ball transfer units
typ/model: KU
material: stainless steel
main ball material: stainless steel
main balll-Ø (dw): 25,4
load rating C (N): 530
speed. max. [m/s]: 2